Sunday, 17 May 2015

News Article 12

Google's Robot Cars Tested On Public Roads 

Google self-driving car

This is how BBC News represented the story: 

Google's purpose-built robot cars have been given the go ahead to drive on public roads and this summer, they will be seen on the roads around Mountain View, California which is where the search giant is based. The cars will have safety drivers on board who can take over if needed, meaning they are not completely autonomous. 

The systems engineer in the self-driving project, Jaime Waydo said: "Every moment has been building towards putting these cars on the roads where we can start learning even more from them.  Eventually the purpose-built robot vehicles will not have a steering wheel or any other control though detachable versions will be used during the forthcoming road tests. The top speed of the cars will be capped at 25mph (40km/h) during the tests. In preparation for their public debut the cars had been put through a series of demanding reliability and durability tests. Each vehicle has been clocking up thousands of miles each week on the test tracks - some of which resemble Californian highways and streets". 

Mixing with real-life traffic will help Google engineers refine the on-board software to cope with many situations the cars have not encountered during testing, said project head Chris Urmson in a blog post.
"Getting these cars out in to the public and allowing people to react to them, allowing us to see them out there, that's a huge deal and most importantly it's the necessary step to getting them to drive themselves," he said.
My Opinion on the news article
It has been represented by BBC news as an important development that has taken a lot of preparation to get it to this stage. I believe that as a society, we are becoming more and more developed regarding our technology and I am very unsure as to what to expect for the future. I feel that this is quite a risky creation and people will be very weary to use self-driving cars but if the correct precautions are taken, it could be quite exciting. 

Sunday, 10 May 2015

News Article 11


This is how BBC News represented the story: 

David Cameron has returned to Downing Street with the Tories having defied polls and won the general election.
The Conservatives made gains in England and Wales and are forecast by the BBC to secure 331 seats in the Commons, giving them a slender majority.
Labour leader Ed Miliband said he would stand down on Friday, saying his party must "rebuild" with a new leader.
Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has also said he will quit, with his party set to be reduced from 57 to eight MPs.
UKIP leader Nigel Farage is also quitting after he failed to win Thanet South, losing by nearly 2,800 votes to the Conservatives.
David Cameron and his wife Samantha outside Downing Street

The Conservatives have now won the 326 seats needed to form a majority administration, meaning they are able to govern without the need for a coalition or formal agreement with other parties.
Mr Cameron all but declared victory in a speech after being returned as MP for Witney, in which he set out his intention to press ahead with an in/out referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union and to complete the Conservatives' economic plan.
"My aim remains simple - to govern on the basis of governing for everyone in our United Kingdom," he said.
"I want to bring our country together, our United Kingdom together, not least by implementing as fast as we can the devolution that we rightly promised and came together with other parties to agree both for Wales and for Scotland.
"In short, I want my party, and I hope a government I would like to lead, to reclaim a mantle that we should never have lost - the mantle of One Nation, One United Kingdom. That is how I will govern if I am fortunate enough to form a government in the coming days."
Mr Cameron later returned to Downing Street with his wife Samantha and is now having an audience with the Queen at Buckingham Palace.
Chancellor George Osborne said the Conservatives had been "given a mandate to get on with the work we started five years ago" and would follow the "clear instructions" of the British public.
However, Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith acknowledged that governing with a small majority was difficult.
"Whatever else we now do we keep it simple, we keep it focused and we absolutely stick to our manifesto commitments," he told the BBC.
He said the party would deliver an EU referendum as it was a "red line".
How I feel about the news article:
I feel that BBC News have not been biased towards the situation and the writer of the article has not made it clear whether or not they are pleased the conservatives got in. It is very factual and quote based however, not much is said about the other politicians and they have focused completely on David Cameron. 

Sunday, 3 May 2015

News Article 10

Royal Baby No.2 Has Been Born

Newly-born daughter of Duke and Duchess

William and Kate, the Dutch and Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to their daughter at 08:34 BST on Saturday, 2nd May at St Mary's Hospital in London and she weighed 8lbs 3oz. The princess is fourth in line to the throne and bookmakers claim that Charlotte and Alice are the favourite names for her, followed by Olivia, Victoria and Elizabeth. William and Kate have spent the first night with their baby at Kensington Palace and they will spend the next few days there. 

Of course, this is a huge event which represents England as a place with great national pride, with almost all of the UK's national newspapers dedicating the entire front pages of their Sunday editions to the birth of the new princess. Additionally, Tower Bridge was among several London landmarks such as the London Eye and Trafalgar Square's fountains that lit up pink in the princess' honour. 

Party leaders also offered their congratulations regarding the birth of the princess and these can be seen in the video below: 

How I feel about the news article: 

I feel this is a very good story to represent how much pride England has as a Nation because it is clearly seen as very important by the media, with it taking up the front pages of nearly all newspapers. Even with the election coming up very soon, the politicians took time out to express their happiness for William and Kate which again enhances the idea of National pride but I also think that the politicians are trying to gain as much support from the public as possible and by congratulating the birth, they are helping people to warm to them.