Monday 22 September 2014

'About Me' Evaluation

I filmed my short video using the Nikon D7000 and set it up on a tripod so there was no movement. I decided to use this camera because it is of a high quality so it made my video look more professional.

What went well?

Overall, I believe that my video was very successful because I covered a wide range of topics in a short space of time. I spoke clearly and the sound was not too quite or too loud, making it easy to take in the information without struggling to hear what was being said. Throughout the video, I made good eye contact helping me to come across as more confident in front of a camera. Also, I thought carefully about my background as I wanted to make it personal to me. For that reason, I put my Penny Skateboard on the shelves behind me as it is something I use frequently, as well as the books because I enjoy reading. I used a Nikon D7000 instead of a phone to emphasise my passion for cameras and to show that photography is one of my main hobbies.

What would I improve?

If I had the opportunity to film this video again, there are a few changes I would make. Firstly I would try to talk a bit slower as I feel as if I rushed a few parts of the video, resulting in it being slightly shorter in length. I would also add background music to make it more creative and personalised. This way, the video would be more interesting to watch because there would be more to it rather than me just talking to a camera  with no background noise.

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