Monday 2 March 2015

News Article 1

'Jihadi John': Mohammed Emwazi's school not aware of radicalisation 

What has happened: 

The former head teacher, Jo Shuter, of Mohammed Emwazi claims he was never suspected of being radicalised at school and she describes him as being "quiet and reasonably hardworking" so was completely shocked to discover the extremist acts he has carried out in Syria. She also quotes: "I am not prepared to say when the radicalisation took place. All I can say is absolutely hand on heart, we had no knowledge of it. If we had we would have done something about it".

Unusually, Emwazi wanted to appear in the IS videos and in these videos, he was known as 'Jihadi John'. When his Mother saw one of the first videos that was posted online, she immediately recognised his voice and it soon became known that her and Emwazi's Father had not been aware of his activities for months and Mr Emwazi was "emotional and upset at what had happened to his son".

This is the timeline of events which led to Emwazi entering Syria:

1988: Born in Kuwait, moves to UK in 1994
2009: Completes computing degree at University of Westminster
August 2009: Travels to Tarzania with two friends- he says for safari- but refused entry at Dar as Salaam. Put on flight to Amsterdam. After questioning there, returns to Dover
September 2009: Travels to Kuwait to stay with father's family
July 2010: Returns to UK for short stay but told he cannot return to Kuwait as visa denied
2012: Passes Celta English language teaching course
2013: Changes name by deed poll. Tries to travel to Kuwait but is stopped. Disappears. Parents report him missing. Police tell family four months later that he has entered Syria.


  1. Jess remember that ALL media is constructed! This story is told from a particular perspective always be aware of the that. Consider how and why would our dominate ideology benefit from this particular narrative?

    Always remember that any argument will have more than one side.

  2. Our dominant ideology would benefit from this particular narrative because it goes against Emwazi, who is Islamic and it therefore puts a negative representation on that particular ethnicity and leaves the people within our dominant ideology 'in the right' which is not a surprise.
